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Benefits of nursing in the UK for international nurses

April 20, 2021

The UK is a popular location of choice for many nurses around the world. This is mainly due to the access to excellent healthcare facilities and training. As a result of such benefits, the UK has become an ideal location for international nurses including Indian nurses, Nigerian nurses and European nurses. Read below to find out about all the benefits of nursing in the UK. 


1)  Competitive Pay 


The starting salary of a nurse in the UK is estimated to be around £22,000 to £24,500. There is plenty of room for progression too. Once a nurse gains more experience and specialises into specific areas they can expect their salary to increase exponentially. Additionally, nurses can expect to receive many benefits including extra pay depending on cities that have a high cost of living like London. Nurses will also have access to pension schemes and training. Our nurses at CloudCare will also receive housing relocation assistance, visa processing and general guidance. 


2) Flexibility 


Unlike other occupations, hospitals and care homes run 24-hours a day and 7 days a week. This gives nurses the ability to be selective of their hours which allows for a healthier work-life balance and gives them more time for themselves. Nurses are given the opportunity to spend more time with family and friends, prevent burn-out and enjoy their hobbies stress-free. Another bonus is that holidays are paid! 


3) Guaranteed contracts and job security 


COVID-19 has shown us the significance of healthcare staff. This means that nurses are in demand now more than ever! Not only are nurses crucial for healthcare to function properly but they are also irreplaceable. Due to the high demand for nurses, many hospitals and care homes are seeking talented international nurses. If you believe yourself to be a hardworking individual who is determined to succeed then don’t delay and apply today. 


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