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Changes to International Travel in the UK

September 30, 2021

Starting from the 4th of October 2021, the red, amber and green traffic light system will change to a single red list of countries and “rest of the world”, alongside simplified travel measures.  Your actions and rules to follow will depend on the country you are travelling from and your vaccination status.

Vaccination Status: 

Vaccinated:  In order to be fully qualified as “vaccinated” you will need to be fully vaccinated for at least 14 days, this has to be under an approved vaccination programme, for example from the UK, US, EUROPE or UK vaccinations programmes overseas.


Travelling from the rest of the world if you are fully vaccinated:

If you qualify as fully vaccinated you will have to:

  • book and pay for a day 2 COVID-19 test – This has to be taken after your arrival in England
  • complete your passenger locator form – This will have to be completed any time in the 48 hours before your arrival in England
  • take a COVID-19 test on or before day 2 after you arrive in England

Under the new rules, you will not:

  • have to take a pre-departure test
  • have to take a day 8 COVID-19 test
  • have to quarantine at home or in the place you are staying for 10 days after you arrive in England


Travelling from the rest of the world if you are not fully vaccinated: 

Before you travel to England you must:

After you arrive in England you must:

  • quarantine at home or in the place you are staying for 10 days
  • take a COVID-19 test on or before day 2 and on or after day 8


Travelling from red list countries: 

No matter your vaccination status (fully/partially/not vaccinated) you will have to follow the same procedure:

Before you travel to England, you must:

When you arrive in England, you must quarantine in a managed hotel, including 2 COVID-19 tests.

Hotel Package Rates:

  • 10 days (11 nights) for one adult, £2,285
  • Additional adult (age 12+), £1,430
  • For children aged five to 11, £325


For more information including red listed countries please check out the official government website. 



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