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Senior Carer

September 13, 2021

The government made a decision to include senior carers in the shortage occupation after calls from Care England and other agencies lobbying on behalf of social care and care home bosses. Care homes will now be able to recruit senior carers, managers in care homes and nursing assistants. Senior care workers routinely oversee and monitor care workers, care assistants and home carers. As a senior carer you will need to attend to the personal needs and comforts of the elderly and the infirm with care and support needs (‘service users’) within residential care establishments, daycare establishments or in their own homes. You will also support nurses in order to make sure the patient experience is as comfortable and stress-free as possible.  A benefit of becoming a senior carer is that it can be the stepping stone into many other healthcare roles, for example, you can apply to train as an Assistant Practitioner or a Nursing Associate. If you decide to pursue further degree-level qualifications, you have the option to specialise further as a Nurse, Midwife, Occupational therapist and many other occupations depending on your choice of qualification. You – and your partner or children – will not have to pay the healthcare surcharge.

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