447513 311455

Career Details

First Contact Practitioner (Physiotherapist)


A first contact practitioner (FCP) is an experienced physiotherapist who has the advanced skills necessary to assess, diagnose and recommend appropriate treatment or referral for musculoskeletal (MSK) problems on a patient's first contact with healthcare services for example when a patient first visits their GP surgery. The FCP will work within GP surgeries and offer physiotherapy appointments for patients with MSK conditions. FCP will give patients immediate access to physiotherapy, in contrast to the traditional process where a patient would have to be consulted by a GP first, then referred on to a physiotherapy department which would usually be a time-consuming process. With FCPs working alongside doctors means fewer GP appointments are needed, this reduces the amount of stress the GP is under. Additionally, treatment is also quicker and recovery is expedited.

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Post Details

Post Name: First Contact Practitioner (Physiotherapist)
Experience: Minimum 5 years
Salary Range: Competitive
Qualification: Physiotherapy degree (BSc)
Location: Various locations in the UK
Country: United Kingdom
Requirements: Health & Care Professions Council(HCPC) Registration and Can demonstrate working at Level 7 [within the ACP framework] capability in MSK related areas of practice or equivalent (such as advanced assessment diagnosis and treatment)
Closing Date: September 17, 2021